
What's the difference? We unwrap the key differences between the 2 main identified types of automation system.

Posted by Ben Casley on 24th Jul 2024

Home Automation Solutions

Home automation has become an integral part of modern living, offering unprecedented control over various household devices. At the heart of this revolution are two primary types of solutions: IoT (Internet of Things) solutions and local hosted solutions. Each has its unique features and benefits, catering to different needs and preferences, so lets see how they both come together.

IoT Solutions: The Future of Home Automation

IoT solutions are cloud-based systems that connect and control devices over the internet. Here are some key features and benefits.

1. Flexibility and Scalability

IoT solutions offer unparalleled flexibility. You can easily add new devices, update software, and integrate with other smart home ecosystems. This makes it an ideal choice for expanding and evolving your home automation setup.

2. Remote Access

One of the most significant advantages of IoT solutions is remote access. You can control and monitor your home devices from anywhere in the world using your smartphone or tablet. Whether you're at work, on holiday, or simply away from home, your smart home is always at your fingertips.

3. Ease of Installation

IoT devices are typically designed for easy installation. Many products are plug-and-play, requiring minimal technical expertise. This makes it accessible for homeowners who prefer a DIY approach.

4. Automatic Updates

IoT solutions benefit from automatic software updates. This ensures that your devices are always running the latest features and security patches, enhancing performance and protection against potential vulnerabilities.

5. Integration and Compatibility

IoT solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of devices and platforms. This interoperability allows for a cohesive smart home experience, where all your devices work harmoniously together.

Local Hosted Solutions: Control and Reliability

Local hosted solutions, on the other hand, operate independently of the internet, using a local server or hub to manage and control devices. Here are the primary features and benefits.

1. Reliability and Speed

Local hosted solutions offer high reliability and fast response times, as they do not depend on internet connectivity. This is particularly beneficial in areas with unstable internet connections or for users who prioritise speed and consistency.

2. Privacy and Security

With local hosted solutions, data is stored and processed within your home network, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access. This appeals to users who are highly conscious of privacy and security.

3. Offline Functionality

Since local hosted solutions do not rely on the internet, they continue to function even during internet outages. This ensures uninterrupted operation of critical home automation systems, such as security cameras and smart locks.

4. Customisability

Local solutions often provide greater control and customisation options. Users with technical expertise can tailor the system to their specific needs and preferences, making it a popular choice for tech-savvy homeowners.

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Home

The decision between IoT and local hosted solutions depends on various factors, including your specific needs, technical expertise, and preferences. Here are some considerations to help you decide.

1. Budget

Local hosted solutions may require a higher upfront investment for hardware and setup. Ongoing maintenance, customisations and updates to your local hosted system often require 3rd party support which can be costly. Consider your budget and long-term costs when making your choice.

2. Technical Expertise

If you prefer a plug-and-play solution with minimal setup, IoT solutions are generally easier to install and use. However, if you have the technical know-how and are familiar with ‘coding’, and prefer a highly customisable system, local hosted solutions may be more appealing.

3. Privacy Concerns

For those who prioritise privacy and data security, local hosted solutions offer greater control over data storage and processing. On the other hand, reputable IoT providers such as us here at Clever Life implement robust security measures to protect user data. We have a comprehensive cyber security and data privacy document available to view here.

4. Internet Reliability

In areas with unreliable internet connectivity, local hosted solutions provide consistent performance without dependence on the internet. Conversely, if you have stable and high-speed internet, IoT solutions offer the convenience of remote access and automatic updates. Nowadays most modern modem routers issued by your ISP are being released with a 4G backup. This is known as LTE failover, and if your NBN data or fibre connection is lost, you will automatically be diverted onto the 4G mobile network to avoid any interruption to your service.

Clever Life's Commitment to Excellence

At Clever Life, we understand that every home is unique, and so are its automation needs. That's why we offer a diverse range of products that cater to both IoT and local hosted solutions. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the selection process, ensuring you find the perfect solution that aligns with your lifestyle and requirements.

Stay tuned for more informative posts, tips, and updates as we continue to innovate and transform homes into smart, connected spaces.